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FAQs: Procedures for Filing Documents
Procedures for Filing Documents
If I filed a document electronically do I need to submit an original document?
No. The electronic filing is the original document.
Is there a size limit for PDF documents filed on CM/ECF?
The size limit for a PDF filed on CM/ECF is 50.0 MB per file. A document over 50.0 MB must be divided into separate files.
How do I change my name, address, telephone number, fax number, and/or e-mail address for the Eastern District including CM/ECF?
You can log into CM/ECF system and make the changes yourself.Alternatively, you can submit a letter describing your change of name, address, telephone number, fax number, and/or e-mail address and applicable cases. The attorney's signature must be on the letter. The change would only apply to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The letter can be faxed to (267) 299-7135. In the case of a name change, you'll need to include a copy of your marriage certificate or other documentation that supports the change.
What are the formatting requirements (i.e., fonts, margins, etc.) for documents filed in the Eastern District?
There are no such requirements for complaints. However, some of the judges may have requirements in their own policies and procedures for other pleadings.
Can I pay a filing fee with a credit card when using CM/ECF?
Contact Information
For more information on the ECF system, please call the toll-free number 1-866-ECF-4ECF (1-866-323-4323). To contact the Clerkâs Office, please refer to the Contact Information page.
How do I file documents in the Eastern District?
Unrepresented individuals:
Pro se litigants can visit our Self Representation page for information about how to file. Whenever possible, filings should be submitted through EDS.
Alternatively, pro se litigants may file documents with the Clerk of Court either in person or by mail at one of the following addresses:
Clerk of Court, EDPA
James A. Byrne U.S. Courthouse
Room 2609
601 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106Clerk of Court, EDPA
Edward N. Cahn U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building
504 W. Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101Do not send documents directly to the District Judge or Magistrate Judge assigned to your case.
Do not send multiple copies of your filings. A single copy is all that is needed.
If a pro se litigant would like permission to file documents through the CM/ECF electronic filing system, the litigant must file a motion seeking permission from the Judge assigned to the case. See Local Rule 5.1.2(4)(b).
With a select few exceptions, attorneys are required to file all other documents through CM/ECF, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Guidance on filing through CM/ECF can be found at
Information on these requirements and this process can be found here.