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Local Rules, Standing and Administrative Orders

Administrative Orders
04/09/2024 Administrative Order - In Re: Civil Suspense Docket
04/09/2024 Administrative Order - Honorable Ashley M. Chan Designated to Serve as Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court
11/09/2023 Administrative Order - In Re: Motions for Retroactive Application of Amendment 821 to the Sentencing Guidelines
01/18/2023 Order - In Re: Appointment of United States Magistrate Judge
04/26/2019 Administrative Order - In Re: Defender Motions for Sentence Reductions Under Section 404 of the First Step Act
02/04/2019 Administrative Order - In Re: Motions for Sentencing Reduction Under Section 404 of the First Step Act
05/16/2016 Administrative Order - Johnson
03/22/2016 Supplemental Administrative Standing Order - Johnson
12/23/2015 Administrative Standing Order - Johnson
Local Admiralty Rules
12/01/2009 Local Admiralty Rules
Local Bankruptcy Rules
11/21/2024 Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (12/1/2024)
11/21/2024 Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (11/18/2024)
07/13/2021 Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (07/02/2021)
07/13/2021 Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (06/23/2021)
07/13/2021 Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms - redline (06/10/2021)
03/11/2021 Proposed Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms - redline (02/08/2021)
03/11/2021 Notice and Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms
03/11/2021 Proposed Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (02/08/2021)
05/19/2020 Notice and Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”)
05/19/2020 Amendment to Interim Bankruptcy Rule 1020 - redline
05/19/2020 Amendment to Interim Bankruptcy Rule 1020
02/18/2020 Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules (02/14/2020)
02/18/2020 Notice regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules (02/10/2020)
02/18/2020 Proposed Interim Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (12/19/2019)
02/18/2020 Proposed Interim Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms - redline (12/19/2019)
11/27/2018 Notice and Order regarding Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (effective 12/01/2018)
11/30/2017 Local Bankruptcy Rules (effective 12/01/2017)
11/30/2017 Local Bankruptcy Forms (effective 12/01/2017)
11/30/2017 Order re: New Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms (effective 12/01/2017)
10/20/2017 Notice regarding Proposed Amendments to the Local Rules and Forms of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
09/11/2017 Proposed Local Bankruptcy Rules
08/16/2017 Memorandum from Chief Judge Eric L. Frank of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania regarding Proposed Amendments to Local Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Local Bankruptcy Forms
08/16/2017 Proposed Local Bankruptcy Forms
05/25/2017 Summary of Proposed Changes: Local Bankruptcy Forms
05/25/2017 Summary of Proposed Changes: Local Bankruptcy Rules
Local Civil Rules
10/08/2024 Amendment to Local Civil Rule 40.1
03/13/2024 Protocols for Remote Proceedings
05/08/2023 Local Rules of Civil Procedure
Local Criminal Rules
03/13/2024 Protocols for Remote Proceedings
09/18/2018 Local Criminal Rules
09/18/2018 Notice and Order regarding Amended Criminal Rule 6.1
01/01/2001 Special Schedule For Blue Marsh Lake (effective 01/01/2001)
Standing Orders
01/08/2025 Standing Order - In re: Submission of Interim Vouchers in Budgeted Cases
06/10/2024 Standing Order - Party Identification in Social Security Cases
03/28/2024 Standing Order - In Re: Obtaining CJA Interpreting Services Without Prior Authorization
08/24/2023 Standing Order - Procedures for Handling Surrendered Passports
06/28/2023 Standing Order - In Re: Termination of Covid-19 Pandemic-Related Standing Orders
06/27/2023 Standing Order - In Re: Vacating Orders in Regards to Use of Masks or Face Coverings in Public Areas of the Edward N. Cahn U.S. Courthouse
06/22/2023 Superseding Standing Order - In Re: Handling of Procedural Matters in Civil Actions and Habeas Petitions Filed by Pro Se Individuals
06/21/2023 Standing Procedural Order for Arbitration Trials Conducted by Videoconference
06/06/2023 Standing Order - In Re: Artificial Intelligence ("AI") in Cases Assigned to Judge Baylson
04/21/2023 Standing Order - In Re: Vacating Orders in Regards to Use of Masks or Face Coverings in Public Areas of the James A. Byrne U.S. Courthouse
02/14/2023 Standing Order - In Re: Admissions to Practice Pursuant to Local Rule of Civil Procedure 83.5.2(b)
12/19/2022 Standing Order - In Re: Electronic Document Submission (EDS) System for Unrepresented Litigants
12/05/2022 Standing Procedural Order for Cases Seeking Social Security Review
01/22/2021 Standing Order - Procedures Governing the Filing or Retrieval of Highly Sensitive Documents
11/27/2020 Standing Order - In Re: Direct Assignment of Social Security Appeals to Magistrate Judges - Extension of Pilot Program
10/22/2020 Standing Order - In Re: Electronic Access to Civil and Criminal Transcripts
10/22/2020 Standing Order - In Re: Procedure for Case Opening
10/05/2020 Standing Procedural Order for Arbitration Trials Conducted by Videoconference
06/02/2020 Standing Order - In Re: Procedures for Refunding Erroneous Electronic Payments
05/16/2019 Standing Order Effective June 3, 2019 re: Procedures regarding the Possession and Use of Cameras and Personal Electronic Devices by Visitors to United States Courthouses and Other Federal Court Locations in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
05/15/2019 Administrative Standing Order - In Re: Section 603(b) Relief under First Step Act
06/25/2018 Standing Order Re: Removal, Prior to Self-Surrender, of GPS Device Imposed as Condition of Pretrial Release
12/22/2015 Guidelines for Claims Submitted for Reimbursement Under the CJA in All District Court and Court of Appeals Representations
11/09/2015 Standing Order Re: Attorney Panel for Pro Se Plaintiffs in Employment Cases
09/15/2015 Notice on Compliance with the Guide to Judiciary Policy for Defender Services (CJA)
12/01/2009 Standing Orders