Electronic Filings
Pursuant to Standing Order, attorneys are strongly encouraged to electronically file all initial papers in civil cases, such as the complaint or notice of removal. Detailed filing instructions can be found here.
Attorneys are required to file all subsequent documents and pleadings electronically, except as provided in the Local Rules and Standing Orders of the Court, or as ordered by the judge.
Pro se litigants can visit our Self Representation page for information about how to file. Whenever possible, filings should be submitted through EDS.
The total cost for filing a civil action is $405.00
Additional Fee Information is available here.
Note: If you are using one of these forms to FILE in a case, please print it to a PDF and save before attaching. Documents that are saved as ‘editable’ or ‘fillable’ PDFs may be rejected.
Designation Form
Counsel must upload a designation form together with the initial filing when filing a new case. Please review Local Rule 40.1(b)(3), which defines the circumstances in which a case may be marked on the form as related. Pro se litigants are not required to submit this form.
Civil Cover Sheet (Form JS44)
Counsel must upload a Civil Cover Sheet together with the initial filing when filing a new case. Pro se litigants are not required to submit this form.
Paper Filings
Filings may be submitted by mail or hand delivered to the Court at:
United States District Court
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
U.S. Courthouse
601 Market Street, Room 2609
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1797
(215) 597-7704
In Philadelphia, a 24-hour Filing Depository is available for filings during normal business hours and after hours. The Depository is located in the lobby of the courthouse past the metal detectors. The attached time recorder enables the person submitting documents to stamp the time and date that the documents were placed in the Depository.
United States District Court
U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building
504 West Hamilton Street, Suite 1601
Allentown, PA 18101-1500
(610) 434-3896