Please review Local Civil Rule 53.2, Arbitration. Additional information about the arbitration program is available on the court website on the Arbitration Trials page.
Virtual Arbitration Hearings
Parties have the option of consenting to the arbitration trial proceeding by videoconference. All parties to the case must consent in order to proceed by videoconference. For more information about how arbitration trials are conducted by videoconference, please visit the Arbitration Trials page and review the Standing Procedural Order for Arbitration Hearings Conducted by Videoconference.
Application to Become an Arbitrator
If you are interested in becoming an arbitrator, please review Local Civil Rule 53.2, with special attention to subsections 1 and 2. To apply, complete this form and e-mail it to
Arbitration Supervisors
A'iShah El-Shabazz | (267) 299-7104 | a' |
Sharon Hall-Moore | (267) 299-7034 | |
Arbitration Clerk
Ron Vance | (267) 299-7429 | |